I see you. I know you… because I once was you.

You’re a smart, talented, purpose-driven leader.


You feel overworked, overwhelmed and under appreciated.

You have a relentless drive that is born out of your deep bias for action, yet you keep getting ignored and passed over.

Your proven track record of success is undeniable, but you often find yourself caught in the grips of imposter syndrome.

When you finally feel ready to fully step into your power and create a new narrative,

Sadly, you’re met with the realization that…

No matter how smart, certified or degreed up you are, the unique challenges you face in the workplace like racial, gender and pay inequities, implicit and explicit bias, micro aggressions and isolation keep you from getting the respect, recognition and pay you deserve.   

But, sadly, the problem is…

No matter how smart, certified or degreed up you are, the unique challenges you face in the workplace like racial, gender and pay inequities, implicit and explicit bias, micro aggressions and isolation keep you from getting the respect, recognition and pay you deserve.   

And what’s worse is…

The impact of generational trauma keeps you trapped in a cycle of proving and hustling hard at the expense of your health, sanity and self-care. 

You often find yourself hanging on hope while laying low and being emotionally tapped out while relying on results alone to get you an invitation into the rooms where big decisions are made.

You are in the right place at the right time because…

Our world is at a critical fork in the road and the stakes have never been higher.

What’s exciting is…

You hold the key.

You have the potential to become a catalyst for instituting a radical new form of leadership where hierarchies are reduced, innovative thinking is expected from all and everyone is treated as an equal partner with their own leadership platform and role to fill.

Right now, it’s time to be more strategic about how you leverage your brilliance.

Because when you are, the entire trajectory of your career changes.

After successfully helping hundreds of women create bespoke leadership brands, we know with complete certainty that absolutely nothing trumps the influential power of a well-branded Black female leader.

Anything less fails to do the magic of cracking open hearts, minds and the bottom line and positions you as an easily replaced commodity.

Brand Your Brilliance is here to help you BREAKTHROUGH and boldly break down any barriers

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